About Me!!

Howdy there! My name is Arcadia, and I'm college student going to school for Analytics Information Management! Although I'm technically in school for business (or STEM?? I guess?? ((BOTH??))) I'm an art kid at heart and have a paisson for painting, writing, making music, growing plants, roller blading... etc!!
This website is an exploration for figuring out how to blend what I'm making my career- and my passion! Since websites (especially personal websites) are a blend between an act of creative expression and STEM :)
This website is basically just a collection of... me?? I guess?? Resources I use, things I enjoy, stuff that I've made... etc. I'm really happy with what I've learned and been able to create, and will be adding more and more as I think of stuff to make!
If you ever want to contact me to be friends, or talk about plants or indie games or art or coding please email me with the email linked below! I love new friends and I've found that the neocities community is a cool and colorful place!