Welcome to My Personal Hell!! :)

Last updated: ------- You are the visitor!

Howdy! My name is Arcadia, and I'm a college student with a love of art, writing, music, and all things pedantic.

Pronouns: She/Her

This site will be a constant work in progress, so feel free to pop back in whenever to see if i've managed to get off my ass and do something :)

I've never coded a website in my life and am doing this to learn HTML!

The place I'm learning this stuff off of: tutorials!

Update Log

Feb 2/20/2023

- just realized the way I do the heading for this update log has febuary in it twice... I will not be fixing this.
- Fixed the "not found" page, now it looks cute and redirects you back here!
-my expedition into fixing the way this page looks on mobil have been unsuccessful, working now on rolling out a new design altogether from a template (thanks sadgrl template builder !!)
-entering midterm week lol, should maybe be working on literally anything else, but here we are

Feb 2/16/2023

- experimenting with solutions to fix the menu on mobile (it has not worked so far lol)

Feb 2/14/2023

-seperated music player from menu
-added some code that will hopefully fix what the site looks like on mobile
-added sparkles to the cursor :)
-happy valentines day!

Feb 2/13/2023

- added a functioning guestbook!
- working on customizing more things, looking into how layouts interact with one another
-in a philosphy lecture rn i should probably be listening to lol
-also, looking into visit count display and statistics of that sort!
-changed the background and design of textboxes
-links now open in new tabs :)

Feb 2/12/2023

- added this update log! lmao
- figured out how overflow worked, so i'm testing that out
- also adding a guestbook page so I can hopefully see who everyone that visits is!

Rot, baby!